Thursday 8 October 2015


Q.1 Fill in the blanks: 
  1. In the 21st century, global economy is driven by knowledge.
  2. ICT is used as a tool that supplements traditional teaching and learning of science and mathematics.
  3. Modeling is a virtual version of something in real world.
  4. A computer simulation is the technique of representing the real world with the help of computer program.
Q.2 State whether the following statements are true or false: (1 mark each)
  1. In this information era, global economy is driven by technology.                                           False
  2. From the very beginning, computers have been used for acquiring, processing and analyzing information.                                                                                                                       True
  3. ICT tools cannot be used for scientific data collection. False
  4. Difficult scientific experiments can be demonstrated more easily using ICT.                    True
  5. The nature of mathematics (teaching and learning) has changed considerably because of ICT.  True    
  6. One use of ICT in mathematics is to explore the effects of varying values and look For invariance and covariance. True
  7.  Students can collect data online and use mathematical softwares to analyze them graphically.   True
  8. ICT tools do not help students to manipulate diagrams dynamically. False
  9. Computer modeling is the technique of representing a real world system with a virtual version using mathematics and computer.  True
  10.  Modeling and simulation can reveal minute details in the behavior of a system that cannot be observed or measured during experimentation.  True
  11. Simulations are useful in exploring ‘what if…’ scenarios.  True
  12. Computer simulation is a part of computer modeling.  False
  13. We can collect information and process them to make certain predictions.  True
  14. Simulation is not flexible. False
  15. Simulation is not used in research. False     
Q.3 Multiple choice questions: (Single Correct Answer) 
  1. ICT can be a tool to supplement traditional teaching and learning of science and mathematics.
  2. A/An visual presentation makes concept clearer than an oral explanation.
  3. LCD projector is an example of computer projection technology.
  4. ICT provides different ways for manipulating diagram and date.
  5. Modeling is virtual version of something in a real world.
  6. A computer modeling is the representation of three dimensional objects on computer.
  7. Simulation creates a /an artificial model of a system.
Q.4 Multiple choice questions: (Two Correct Answers)
  1. 21st century has created a new global economy which is powered by information fuelled by technology and driven by knowledge.
  2. One use of ICT in mathematics is to explore the effects of varying values and look for invariance and covariance.
  3. A computer model refers to the algorithm and equations used to capture the behavior of a system being modeled.
  4. Simulation is cheaper and safer than experimenting with real life models.
  5. Modeling and simulation are often used interchangeably and the difference between them is trivial.
Q.5. Answer in brief :

1. Write or state the benefits of ICT in science and mathematics.

Benefits of ICT in science and mathematics :
a.       ICT promotes interest during learning process.
b.      ICT provides opportunities for students to take part in co-operative activities.
c.       ICT provides variety of challenging learning process.
d.      ICT provides the different ways for manipulating diagram and data.

2. Define modelling and simulation.

  • Modelling is a computer program that attempts to display a real life system or it is virtual version of something in a real world.
  • Computer simulation is a technique of representing the real world by a computer program.
3. Write any two examples of modelling.
  • The safety of the car can be tested and previewed during the design.
  • A computer model of a weather system can be used to predict storms.
  • For pilot training the computer model flight is used.
  • Computer car model is used to investigate its engine life.
4. Write any two examples of simulation.
  • Testing of explosive material virtually.
  • To design model of a car, machine or any industrial product of factory.
  • In pilot training
  • Without using chemicals, neutralization process can be demonstrated. 
  • War games, arcade games, 3D games.
5. Explain the difference between modelling and simulation.

These two terms usually means, about the same thing. Computer modelling is the part of computer simulation, in which a digital model of an object is built which is designed to work like the real thing. The computer can then use this model to simulate various different conditions which the real object may have to deal with.

6. Explain the benefits of modelling and simulation.
  • It is cost effective.
  • It is time saving in training program if there are large numbers of participants.
  • It can be used at any time.
  • It can be tested for numbers of times.
  • It improves the efficiency of the user.
  • It is fast and easy to use
  • It is multi –faceted, flexible and dynamic
Q.6. Answer the following:

1. Write a short note on the any two roles of ICT in science with examples. 

  1. Collection of scientific data: Collect data with the help of ict tools. Internet, email, newsgroup, chat rooms, blogs, wiki and video conferencing as agent for collecting information and interacting with information sources. Eg. To collect information for project “function of heart” by using computer rather than library. 
  2. To present: The visual presentation makes concept more clear rather than oral explanation. We can present the data with the help of presentation slides. Eg. To explain the "structure of atom" with presentation slides.
  3. For demonstration: There are some experiments which cannot be demonstrated in the lab but with the help of ICT we can give its demonstration easily and effectively. Eg. "Function of digestive system" or "Planetary system".
  4. For Predication : We can collect the information and process and make predictions of certain things. Eg. Weather forecasting
  5. For interactive education:  Programs can be designed to provide interaction between students and computer for interactive education to help learning process. Eg. Educational softwares used through internet.
2. Write a short note on any two roles of ICT in mathematics with examples.

Many ICT tools are helpful for teachers and students for planning and reaching a specific goal. Such tools make students active participant in Mathematics learning.

1. Use of GUI: Students can solve equations with graphical user interface on computer, they can identify and rectify their mistakes.

2. Observing Patterns: To explore the effects of varying values and looking for invariance and covariance. Eg Geogebara.

3. Observing Links: To computer enables formulae, tables of numbers graphs to be linked readily changing one representation and observing changes. Eg . Geogebra with equations.

4. Visualize Image: It helps to manipulate diagrams dynamically. Eg. 3D image of cuboids

3. What is modelling? Explain modelling with two suitable examples.

Modelling is a computer program that attempts to display a real life system or it is virtual version of something in a real world.
  • The safety of the car can be tested and previewed during the design.
  • A computer model of a weather system can be used to predict storms.
  • For pilot training the computer model flight is used.
  • Computer car model is used to investigate its engine life.

4.  What is simulation? Explain simulation with any two suitable examples.
Computer simulation is a technique of representing the real world by a computer program.

  • Testing of explosive material virtually.
  • To design model of a car, machine or any industrial product of factory.
  • In pilot training
  • Without using chemicals, neutralization process can be demonstrated. 
  • War games, arcade games, 3D games.

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