Thursday 8 October 2015


Practical Name:

The Percentage of Literate males between the ages of 15 to 45 in a colony is given in the table below.

Class              15-20    20-25    25-30    30-35    35-40    40-45 
Percentage       42          38         35         26          16          5

Draw a Histogram and Frequency Polygon.

Tools/Software: Computer with Geogebra Software installed


1. Open Geogebra. From the ‘Options’ Menu click ‘Advanced.’ See Figure 1 below. Select ‘Preferences -- Graphic’.
2. Click on x-axis Tab and click on Label. Enter 'Age' as label.
3. Click on Y-axis Tab and click on Label. Enter ‘Percentage’ as label.
4. Click on Grid tab. Select show Grid. Enter grid distance as ‘2.5’ for x-Axis.
5. In the Input Box at the bottom of the Screen type, histogram[{15,20,25,30,35,40,45}, {42,38,35,26,16,5}] and press Enter. The required Histogram will be displayed. Use the Mouse Scroll button and the Move Graphics View Tool from Tool 11 to position the graphics area properly.
6. Click on Tool 2 and Select ‘Segment between two points’.
7. Click on x-Axis at 12.5 and then on each class mark on the top of the histogram. Click on 47.5 on the x-Axis to complete the Frequency Polygon. The required Frequency Polygon will be obtained. In the Algebra section under Points, click on the green buttons indicating the points. This will remove the labeling of the points from the Frequency Polygon.

Result:  A histogram and frequency polygon is drawn as shown in the figure.

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