Wednesday 8 June 2016

Chapter 1: Concepts and Necessity of ICT

Q.I. Fill in the blanks:

  1. Data , conversations and images are various forms of information.
  2. The use of ICT offers equitable, affordable and convenient tools for education.
  3. Using ICT, the learner can choose the time and place of learning.
  4. In manufacturing industry, robots are used for production.
  5. A flight simulator is used for training aircraft pilots.
  6. Simulators used in medical training help the students to perform difficult and invasive procedures without endangering lives of patients.
  7. Experiments on animals involve ethical implications of real life procedures.
  8. ICT can overcome geographical barriers to reach educational opportunities to isolated populations.

Q.II. State whether the following statements are true or false: 
  1. Local and wide area network are used to gather and share information.         True
  2. ICT offers equitable and affordable tools for education. True
  3. ICT can be used only for formal education in educational institutes. False
  4. The use of robots in industrial production in one use of ICT.  - True
  5. Computer simulations are risky and expensive as compared to real life training. - False
  6. It is not possible for isolated populations to take advantages of ICT for education and entertainment. - False
Q.III. Multiple choice questions (single correct answer):
  1. ICT promotes a learning environment that is Colloborative
  2. Computer simulations in medical training uses uses Virtual reality
Q.IV. Multiple choice questions (two correct answer): 

  1. Forms of information include data, imgae.
  2. Uses of ICT at home include internet shopping, internet banking.
  3. Computer simulations are economical, safe.

Q.V. Answer in brief:

1. Explain the term ICT.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a term that includes any communication device or applications, as well as the various services and applications associated with them. ICT is a study or business of developing and using technology to process information and aid communications. The use of ICT offers equitable, affordable and convenient tools for education.  

2. Name the following : i) various forms of information. ii) any four devices used for gathering and sharing information.

i)  The various forms of information are data, voice (sound or audio), images, videos.
ii) Devices used for gathering and sharing informationMobile , PC, laptops, notebooks, CD – Rom’s, video disc, radios, cable TVs. 

3. Sate the four objectives that ICT aims to achieve in the field of education.
  1. Helping more people to gain access to all levels of education.
  2. Improving the quality of education
  3. Enhancing the lifelong learning and
  4. Assist in carrying out non-formal education.

4. Name the following: i) any two communication technologies ii) a widely used service on the internet for exchanging messages.
                   i.        local area network and wide area network, satellite communication, telephones.
                   ii.        Use email is the widely used for exchanging messages.

Q.VI. Answer the following : 

1. State the implications of ICT in education. (any four)
  • Information doubles every four to five years. ICT is crucial in coping with this explosion of knowledge over the lifetime of the learner; otherwise person’s knowledge becomes obsolete and countries become marginalized.
  • ICT can speed the path towards learning and expand the learning options through self learning.
  • Learning can be carried out at a time and place of the learner’s choice.
  • ICT can overcome physical and geographical barriers and facilitate communication. It promotes an environment that emphasizes collaboration rather than competition.
  • It helps to familiarize new generations with the technologies that have become the integral components of the modern world.
  • ICT has the potential to bring the contents of the best teachers to classrooms anywhere in the world.
  • ICT with the use of Internet and other technologies has the potential to connect classrooms to research centers and students to actual scientists for discussion.

2. State the uses of ICT in day to day life. (any four)

  • Business: Customers or suppliers can be easily contacted using computers. The user can get sales or purchase rates of any product; can analyze investments, sales , expanses and markets.
  • Industry: Industry products are designed and manufactured using computers. Computers are also used in inventory control or process control. Robots are used for production.
  • At Home: Through Internet, we can gather information on any subject of interest, play games or exchange data. Shopping and banking are also possible through Internet.
  • Education and Training: Educational software is becoming widely used at all levels. Schools use computers to play multimedia educational programs. A Computer’s voice recording capabilities and its connection to the Internet can make education richer and more interesting. The Internet offers virtual reality settings where students can experience scenarios like driving a motorbike or car on race tracks. Computers with modern information technology also help in training. They make training easier and more economical. ICT has the potential to arouse curiosity in education.
  • Entertainment and Arts: Computers are widely used to create special effects and in animation. They are also used for composing music. Computers can be used for painting enhancing pictures in photography or learning dance, etc.
  • Science and Technology: Computer simulations transform risky and expensive experiments into safe and cost effective procedures. Computer simulations are a good example of the power of technology to improve the learning process.

3. State the role of ICT in science and technology.
  • Computer simulations transform risky and expensive experiments into safe and cost effective procedures.
  • Computer simulations are a good example of the power of technology to improve the learning process.
  • A flight simulator offers trainees offers the trainees the opportunity to practice the proper skills to control the plane and deal with emergency situations without risking lives or property loss.
  • Simulators also enable them to test explosive materials virtually without running the risk of real explosions, and to experiment on animals without the ethical implications of real life procedures.

4. State the advantages of ICT in the field of education. (any four)

ICT has great potential to contribute to different aspects of educational development and effective learning.
  • Expanding Educational Opportunities: by use of ICT it is possible to overcome geographic, social and infrastructural barriers to reach isolated populations.
  • Increasing efficiency : with the use of ICT it is possible to carry out learning at home or outside the school with the help of study material prepared by specialist in the respective subjects.
  • Enhancing quality of learning and teaching: Use of ICT motivates and engages students in the learning process. It brings abstract concepts of life, fosters inquiry and exploration. It also provides opportunities to practice basic skills on their own time at their own pace. It offers the most cost effective means for bringing the world information into the classroom via use of Internet and other technologies. ICT assists the teachers to develop good teaching material.
  • Sustaining Lifelong learning: ICT assists in fulfilling the requirement of lifelong learning for all, anywhere and anytime.
  • Improving policy planning and management: Educational and training institutes use technology in the areas of admission, information gathering, payrolls and students assessments.

5. Explain the uses of ICT in business and industry.
  • Business: Customers or suppliers can be easily contacted using computers. The user can get sales or purchase rates of any product; can analyze investments, sales , expanses and markets.
  • Industry: Industry products are designed and manufactured using computers. Computers are also used in inventory control or process control. Robots are used for production.

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