Friday 27 November 2015

Chapter 5 : ICT Soft Tools : Presentation

Q.1. Fill in the blanks

  1. Powerpoint 2007 is a very popular presentation graphics software package.
  2. A slide is a page of your presentation.
  3. A Powerpoint 2007 presentation file has an extension .pptx.
  4. In the ribbon, commands are organized in logical groups which are collected together under tabs.
  5. You can use the slide sorter View in Powerpoint to view miniatures of all slides together.
  6. The outlined area on a slide for entering text is called a placeholder.
  7. The brief descriptions of every slide which the presenter may use during a presentation are called speaker notes.
  8. The miniature versions of the slides in Slide Sorter View are called thumbnails.
  9. In Powerpoint 2007, status bar giver the information about the presentation and provide shortcuts for changing the view and zoom level.
  10. A theme in Powerpoint 2007is a part of a template that stores information about placement of text and objects on a slide, placeholder size, text styles, backgrounds, colour themes, effects and animation.
  11. A smart Art Styles is a combination of various effects such as line style, level of 3D that one can apply to the shapes in SamrtArt graphic to create a unique and professionally designed work. 
  12. Advancing from one slide to the next is called a transitions.
  13. Visual movements applied to individual elements of a slide are animations.

Q.2. State whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. In Powerpoint 2007, tabs on the Ribbon are designed to be task oriented.           -True
  2. In Powerpoint 2007, the Title bar displays the name of the presentation. - True
  3. In Powerpoint 2007, the Status bar displays the name of the presentation.           – True
  4. The Notes Panein Powerpoint lets you add speaker’s notes.                                    - True
  5. By default, a slide in Powerpoint 2007 has the landscape orientation                    - True
  6. In Powerpoint 2007, the Design View is used to see the consistency and flow of a presentation.                                                                                                                 - False
  7. An organization chart is the graphical representation od the structure of an organization.                                                                                                              - False
  8. Adding transition and animations, generally, livens up your presentation. -True
  9. Sounds and transition can be added to several slides at the same time in the Slide Sorter View.                                                                                                                              - True
  10. The Hide Slide button on the Ribbon is a toggle to hide and unhide a slide.           - True

Q.3. Multiple Choice Question:

  1. In Powerpoint 2007, the default extension of a presentation file is .pptx.
  2. In Powerpoint 2007, select the replace command of the editing group on the home tab of the ribbon.
  3. In Powerpoint 2007, Notes Page View  allows you to type speaker notes that can be printed for use during a presentation.
  4. In Powerpoint 2007, Normal View is used to see the flow of main points and organize the contents of a presentation.
  5. In Powerpoint 2007, to switch between different views. Click on a view button at the left of the zoom slider just about the status bar.
  6. In Powerpoint 2007, pictures can be added to speaker’s notes in the Notes Page view.
  7. On selecting a text placeholder on a slide drawing tools  appears on the title bar to draw your attention to the fact that new tab has been added to the riboon.
  8. To exit the Slide show view at any time, press the ESC key on the keyboard.

Q.4. Multiple Choice Questions (two correct answer)

  1. The latest file formats / extension used in Powerpoint 2007 are .pptx, pptm.
  2. The Home tab on the Powerpoint 2007 Ribbon has the groups clipboard, slides.
  3. The views offered by Powerpoint 2007 are Normal, Slide Show
  4. The slide sorter view shows completed slides in sequence, provides more detail review than the outline view.
  5. Notes pane in Powerpoint 2007can be seen in Normal , Notes page views.
  6. The subtypes of Relationship type SmartArt graphics are Target, Venn.
  7. On selecting a SmartArt graphics, the new tabs that appear on the ribbon are Design, Format.
  8. Themes gallery can be accessed from the design tab, slide master view.
  9. Types of animation effects are entrance, exit.
  10. During slide show, to go to the next slide, press the Page down, enter key.

Q.5. Write short notes on :  

  1. Templates in Powerpoint.Templates are used as a foundation for repeatedly creating similar presentations in future, because it stores design information to consistently format the contents of all the slides. Each template contains at least 1 slide master that must have at least 1 layout. A template can contains layouts, theme, colours, theme fonts, theme effects, background styles and even content. You can reuse and apply existing templates to start a presentation. You can create and find 100’s of templates online.
2. Using Notes Page view and creating notes in Powerpoint 2007. 

Using Note Page View. The notes page can be seen in both normal and notes page view. We have to select the slide for which you want to create notes. In the normal view click and drag the border of the notes pane to enlarge it.
Click the notes page at the bottom in the presentation text place holder below the slide. In the Notes pane you can apply all the regular formatting like bold, italic etc.

3. Using Cliparts in Powerpoint 2007.

You can insert pictures and clip art into a Powerpoint 2007 presentation from Microsoft Office clipart library, or files on your computer. You can use the pictures and clip arts as backgrounds for your slides and Smart Art graphics.
To insert a clipart into a slide:
·         Select the slide in Normal view and click the Clipart task pane that open.
·         Search for the clipart by typing a word or phrase that describes the clip art that you want in the search box.

Q.6. Answer the following in brief:

1. What is meant by design theme in Powerpoint 2007?
A theme is a set of colors, fonts  and special effects. Themes provide attractive backgrounds for our presentations. You can add a dramatic effect to your theme by applying a background.

2. What is meant by SmartArt Style? How will you apply SmartArt Style to an entire Smart Art grapic? (Omit)

3. How will you add the same transition to all the slides in  a presentation in Powerpoint 2007?

To add the same transition to all the slides :
·         Choose the animations tab.
·         Click the more button in the transition to this slide group. A menu of transition appears.
·         Click the transition you want to apply. As you scroll your pointer over each transition, Powerpoint provides you with a live preview of the transition.
·         Click the apply to all button in the transition to this slide group. 

.    4. How will you (a) hide one more  sildes from silde show. (b) run a slide show?

(a)  hide one more  sildes from silde show.
1.      Select the slides as you want to hide.
2.      Right click on the slides you have selected and click “Hide Slide”
(b)   Run a slide show. 
1.      Press F5.
2.      Choose the slide show tab. Click from the beginning button in the start icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Q.7. Answer the following:

1. List the various application/ uses of powerpoint 2007?
·         Classroom teaching:
o   Powerpoint can be used as a fine support to traditional teaching, or to show charts, graphs and pictures.
o   Main points van be emphasized by displaying through bullet.
o   Flash card slide can be created.
o   Presentation can be modified and reused.
·         Corporate training:
o   It is useful in corporate conference.
o   It enables the speaker to create informational slides through the use of charts, images and smart art graphics.
o   It can be displayed and printed as handouts for references.
·         Marketing:
o   Presenatation with visual aids is more persuasive, used during marketing meeting and business meeting, sales gatherings. Inclusion of charts, graphs can make it more effective and motivating.
2. Explain the features of powerpoint 2007 window which appear on computer screen when we start powerpoint. 
The main features of powerpoint 2007 are as follows:
  1. 1.      Title bar: It is at the top of the window. It displays the name of the of the open document and the program name.
  2. 2.      Ribbon: It is a graphical user panel below the title bar.  It is divided into three basic component tabs, groups and commands.
  3. 3.      Office button: It contains a dropdown menu of the usual file related commands to open save and print your file. It also contains security features like encryption and digital signature.
  4. 4.      Quick access toolbar: It is a customizable toolbar that contains a set of commands that are independent of the tab displayed. It contains save, undo and redo commands.
  5. 5.      Status bar: The status bar is at the bottom. It displays view buttons and zoom slider at it right.
  6. 6.      View button: The three view buttons toggles the way your presentation appears on the screen. Like normal view, slide sorter view, slide show
  7. 7.      Slide pane: slide pane shows the active slide.
  8. 8.      Notes pane: The notes pane lets you add speaker notes for the presentation.

3.     What is slide master in powerpoint 2007 (Omit)

4.     Explain how to create a Slide Master in Powerpoint 2007 for your presentation?
To create a slide master in powerpoint 2007:
For each slide master that you want to create, do the following:
1.      Open a blank presentation, and then, on the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click Slide Master.
2.      When you open Slide Master view, a blank slide-master with the default, associated layouts appears. If you want to add another slide master, do the following:
a.       Click a location in the slide thumbnail pane where you want the new slide master to appear.
b.      On the Slide Master tab, in the Edit Master group, click Insert Slide Master.
Note   In the slide thumbnail pane, the slide master is the larger slide image, and the associated layouts are positioned beneath the slide master.
3.      To create one or more custom layouts or to modify existing layouts, see Create a new custom layout.
4.      To add or modify placeholders in your layouts, see Add one or more content placeholders to a layout or Change a placeholder.
5.      To remove any of the built-in slide layouts that accompany the default slide master, in the slide thumbnail pane, right-click each slide layout that you want to delete, and then click Delete Layout on the shortcut menu.
6.      To apply a design or theme-based colors, fonts, effects and backgrounds, see Apply a theme to your presentation.
7.      To set the page orientation for all of the slides in your presentation, on the Slide Master tab, in the Page Setup group, click Slide Orientation, and then click either Portrait or Landscape.
8.      To add text that will appear as a footer at the bottom of all of the pages in your presentation, do the following:
a.       On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Header & Footer.
b.      In the Header and Footer dialog box, on the Slide tab, select the Footer check box, and then type the text that you want to appear in the center-bottom of your slides.
c.       Click Apply to All.
9.      Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Save As.
10.  In the File name box, type a file name, or do nothing to accept the suggested file name.
11.  In the Save as type list, click PowerPoint Template, and then click Save.
12.  On the Slide Master tab, in the Close group, click Close Master View.

5.      Explain the different views Powerpoint 2007 offers to look at a presentation created.

Text book page no 35. Normal View, Slides Pane, Outline Pane, Slide Sorter View, Slide show view.

6.      What is a SamrtArt Graphic? Name and briefly explain the types of SamrtArt Graphic.

Smart art graphics in powerpoint are used to make a simple list more dynamic using colour and graphic shapes. The graphic approach is very effective to show processes, concepts, hierarchies and relationship.
  1. a.       List : This smartart type is used typically for items that you want to group as a vertical list but which do not follow a step-by-step process.
  2. b.      Process: This smart art graphic type uses repeating shapes and connecting arrows to show directions or progression.
  3. c.       Cycle: This types illustrates a repeating process.
  4. d.      Hierarchy: A typical use for this chart type smart art graphic is for illustrating a hierarchical organization.
  5. e.       Relationship: This type is used to illustrate a connection between two or more sets of things or information. The subtypes include radial, venn, target.
  6. f.        Matrix: This graphic type is used to show the relationship of components to a whole.
  7. g.       Pyramid: This graphic type is used to show proportional, foundation based, or hierarchical relationships or process that typically build upward.

8.  Write a note on animations in Powerpoint 2007.
Page 37 : Powerpoint provides four types of animations  …………………………. For example, an object can move from left to right.

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