Wednesday 23 December 2015

Chapter 6- Introduction to Internet

Intorduction to Internet

Q.1. Fill in the blanks:

1. Network in the world are connected to each other due to Internet.
2. Email stand for Electronic mail
3. Long form of WWW is world wide web.
4. HTML stand for Hypertext Markup language.
5. The software used to view different web pages is known as a browser.
6. The main page of a website which provides access to the other linked pages of the website is called the homepage
7. A computer hosting a website is known as web server
8. The web pages of a website are linked by hyperlinks.
9. An area of a graphic or image that is a hyperlink to a document/ multimedia/web page is called a hotspot.

Q. 2. State whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. APRANET has been invented and started for American People.  False
  2.  The Internet is a global network of networks.                            True
  3.  Email is one of the facilities provided by the Internet.            True
  4. All web pages are linked with each other using hyperlinks.     True
  5. Every website has a unique address of its own.                   True
  6.  There are Internet servers which are not part of the WWW.     True
  7. The URL of a website begins with the domain name.         False
  8. The URL of a website contains the @symbol.                    False
  9. Depending upon the type of information and the need of the producer, website can be paid or can be completely free for the user.                                                                  True

Q.3. Multiple choice questions (Single correct answer):              

1. The network connecting computers all over the world is known as  internet.
2. The system of Internet servers that support HTML formatted documents, and connected worldwide, is known as world wide web
3. A  protocol specifies the procedure used to transfer information over the Internet.
4. The acronym FTP stand for File Transfer Protocal.
5. A website  is a collection of web pages common to a particular domin name.
6. The // symbol is always used in a URL.
7. The first web page displayed in the browser window when a user visits a website is called the homepage  of the website.
8. The colour of an unvisited hyperlink on a web page is blue.
9. When you hover the mouse pointer over a hyperlink or hotspot, it changes to  link select.

Q.4. Multiple choice questions (two correct answer)

1. Protocols for the internet are FTP and TCP.
2. IP(Internet Protocol gives  addressing information, control information that enables packets to be routed.

Q.5. Write short notes on :

1. Website :
A website is a centrally managed group of connected HTML documents containing information of a particular subject. The documents are called Web pages and can contain text, image, audio, video and animation. A web page of a website is stored on the same or a different host computer called the webserver. The web page are linked by hyperlinks. Each website has a unique web – address called a URL. A website is accessed over the Internet from a global web of info and resources.

2. Universal Resource Locater

The URL is a pointer to information on the web. A URL includes the name of the protocol (HTTP/FTP/Gopher), where it is located and where it is stored including directory name and filename.  These links have standard blue colour and underline(if hypertext).

3. Disadvantages of Email

a. Recipients must also be an email user.
b. Charges can be hidden.
c. Until a mailbox is checked there is no way of knowing that a message has arrived.
d. The user must have access to a modern and a phone line.

Q.6. Answer the following :

1. List the various activities that can be performed using the internet.

·         Exchange electronic mail (email) with friends and collagues with accounts on  the internet.
·         Post information for others to access and update it frequently to share with friends / public.
·         Access information that includes sound, photography images and even video, library or dictionary.

2. Explain the difference between the WWW and the Internet.

 The internet and WWW are two different concepts. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks. In contrast, the web is one of the services that run on the internet. The www is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the internet. With a web browser, like internet explorer one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks.

3. List the various functions of a web browser.

·         Web browser functions are to provide the resources or information to the user when asked by them.
·          It processes the user inputs in the form of URL like in the browser and allows the access to that page. 
·         URL is used to identify the resources and fetch them from the server and displays it to the client. 
·         It allows the user to interact with the web pages and dynamic content like surveys, forms, etc. 
It also allows the user to navigate through the complete web page and see its source code in the HTML format. 
·         It provides security to the data and the resources that are available on the web that is by using the secure methods.

4. Match the column :

1.       Internet – Network of networks
2.       Server – Provide services
3.       HTTP – Protocol
4.       Opera – Web browser

5. Match the column 

1.       .in – india
2.       SMPT – Email
3.       HTML – web page
4.       URL – web address

Q.7. Answer the following:

1. Write a short note on the history of the Internet.

A concept was devised to link computers together throughout the country. The Internet was an emergency military communications system operated by the Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) . The whole operation was referred to as ARPANET in 1969. For communication computer needed a set of network rules. These network rules to be followed by each computer in a network rules to be followed by each computer in a network for communication are known TCP/IP. There three main protocols in the TCP/IP suite are are the SMPT, FTP and the TELNET.

2. State the mission / activities of ISOC, IETF and W3C.

The internet engineering task force(IETF) is an organized activity of the ISOC. The mission of the IEFT is to make the internet work better by producing high quality, relevant technical documents  that influence the way people design documents that influence the way people design, use and and manage the internet. ISOC is a non – profit organization founded in 1992 to provide leadership in Internet  related standards , education and policy.  There is one more group W3C (world wide web consortium) which was founded by Dr. Time Berner Lee)

3. What are the advantages of email?

Any four from page 43.

4. Explain the concept of a web browser.

An internet browser or web browser is  the program that we use to access the internet and view web pages on our computer. Alternately, we can define a browser as software which is used to surf and explore the www documents in the internet, We can navigate through web using web browsers. The browser normally displays the contents of the web documents on the video screen.

5.       Explain any four buttons on the toolbar of a web browser.

Page 44 (any four from the 9)

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