Sunday 4 October 2015


Q.1 Fill in the blanks: (1 mark each)

  1. Internet is the backbone of the IT industry.
  2. Wired or wireless mode of communication and data transfer is possible through the internet.
  3. Blogs are usually structured, organized by category, and can be updated.
  4. The owner of a personal blog can control the contents posted.
  5. In a way, blogs often act as a support system for teachers as well as students.
  6. A forum structure starts with categories.
  7. Topics of a forum are called threads.
  8. Moderators are granted access to the posts and threads of all registered members of a forum.
  9. Administrator of a forum can also act as the moderator of the forum.
  10. The appearance of a forum is known as the skin.
  11. A password to a forum is also known as trip code or cap code.
  12. VoIP uses the Internet protocol.
  13. VoIP travels in unencrypted form over the Internet.
  14. VoIP converts the voice signals from telephone into a digital signal that can travel over the internet.
  15. Electronic commerce is commonly known as e-commerce.
  16. E-commerce is about business transactions using computer systems which are connected to telecommunication network.
  17. In e-commerce, sellers and buyers trade without intermediaries.
  18. E-market is the virtual representation of a physical market.
  19. EDI is the electronic transfer of a standardized business transaction between a sender and receiver computers.
  20. ATM is the most commonly used service in e-banking.
  21. GPS stands for Global Positioning System.
  22. A watchlist system is one of the features that helps editing and exploring the information on Wikimapia.

Q.2 State whether the following statements are true or false: (1 mark each)
  1. Forum allows only one person, the owner, to post his / her views.  False
  2. The word blog stands for business log. False
  3. Visitors to a blog can post their own comments on the subject.True
  4. Creating one’s own blog allows a student to articulate his / her interpretation of a topic,Which in turn helps to improve his / her learning.True
  5. A good blogger blogs on multiple topics in the same blog. False
  6. It is okay to create a blog by copying from other websites. False
  7. Most people do not blog because they are unable to write clearly and compellingly. True
  8. Only the owner of a blog is allowed to maintain it although visitors are allowed to post their comments on the subject. True
  9. A moderator of a forum can act as its administrator but not vice versa. False
  10. A thread in a forum cannot include multiple posts from the same member.  False
  11. Personal or private messages are not allowed in a forum. False
  12. The appearance of a forum is known as its cover. False
  13. A message submitted by a forum member is called a thread.  False
  14. In a forum, the posts on a thread are displayed sequentially by date. True
  15. In a forum, members are allowed to edit or delete their own posts.   True
  16. ‘Avatar’ is a type of emoticon. False
  17. VoIP stands for Voice Internet Protocol.  False
  18. VoIP requires broadband connectivity.    True
  19. A VoIP call can be made from a traditional phone with or without a VoIP adapter.     False
  20. A VoIP call works out to be cheaper than a traditional phone call.                                      True
  21. A VoIP call is a secure communication. False
  22. E-commerce stands for electronic commerce.  True
  23. EDI stands for Electronic Data Intercom.  False
  24. Internet banking can be called e-banking. True
  25. The cost of a product in e-commerce is more than that in traditional commerce. False
  26. E-commerce includes buying and selling of physical goods, information as well as services such as online legal or medical advice.  True
  27. E-commerce gives a merchant a global reach.    True
  28. Online business transactions (e-commerce) are prone to hacking and virus attacks. True
  29. In e-commerce, consumers are often not confident about the security of online payment.  True 
  30. EDI is most commonly applied in the execution and settlement stages of an e-commerce trade cycle.  True
  31. Auctions cannot be carried out in e- commerce. False
  32. ATM stands for Any Time Money.  False
  33. ATM is the most commonly used service in e- banking.  True
  34. Transparency in government operations and accountability are likely benefits of e- governance. True
  35. GPS stands for Global Packet Switching.False
  36. API stands for Application Programming on the Internet.  False
  37. Google Map or Wikimapia can be embedded into a website.  True
  38. Users cannot add descriptions or photos to an e-map.  False

Q.3 Multiple choice questions: (Single Correct Answer) (1 mark each)

  1. IP means Internet Protocol.
  2. Blog is devoted to a specific topic.
  3. A blog is like a personal online journal.
  4. A blog is free from spams.
  5. HTML editor can be used to create and post blogs.
  6. Bloggers are not expected to spread rumours.
  7. Category is an integral part of a forum.
  8. A visitor to a forum can view the contents of the forum.
  9. In a forum, the popularity of a thread is judged by the number of posts it receives.
  10. Only administrators can change the skin of a forum.
  11. VoIP requires a broadband internet connection.
  12. Sometimes, VoIP data travels in unencrypted form over the Internet.
  13. E-commerce is an emerging concept that describes the process of buying and selling of products over the Internet.
  14. In a trade cycle, after-sales services include maintenance.
  15. E-market means electronic market.
  16. E-market is the virtual representation of physical market.
  17. EDI is based on a set of standardized messages for the transfer of structured and formatted business transaction data.
  18. EDI is primarily used for multiple and repeat business operations.
  19. The system that allows citizens to access government information through government websites is e-governance.
  20. E-maps show digital images of the Earth’s surface along with navigation facility.
  21. Google Earth is a useful application for a bird’s-eye view of almost any location on the Earth.
  22. Google Earth can show polar regions.
  23. Google maps uses the Mercator projection for their maps.
  24. Wikimapia supports 101 languages.
  25. Current traffic conditions on all major roads in select cities is shown by the traffic layer on an e-map.

Q.4 Multiple choice questions: (Two Correct Answers) (2 marks each)

  1. A blogger is expected to comment on others’ blogs and reply to comment on his/her blogs.
  2. Integral parts of a forum are user group and post.
  3. In a forum, a user can be identified by avatar and signature.
  4. In e-commerce, sellers and buyers trade without intermediaries.
  5. Types of VoIP are VoIP Adapters and VoIP phones.
  6. Disadvantages of VoIP are probability of data hacking and chances of receiving unwanted voicemails.
  7. E-commerce involves sharing business information and business transactions via telecommunication networks.
  8. Advantages of e-commerce are comparison shopping and anytime (24 / 7) shopping.
  9. Advantages of e-market are global reach and expanded visibility.
  10. Benefits of EDI are improves cash flow and ensures efficient supply chain.
  11. To offer e-banking facility to its customers, a bank must have a centralized web enabled database and maintain a website.
  12. With e-banking, you can invest in stock market and transfer money.
  13. Government to employees and Government to business are e-governance service delivery models.
  14. Types of information layers in Google maps are weather and transit.
  15. Traffic and photos are map layers.
  16. Traffic layer and webcams layer in Google maps are updated almost in real-time.
  17. While printing directions from Google Maps, you have the options to print directions in text with map and include a large map at appropriate zoom level.

Q.5. Answer in brief: 

1. Define Blog. Explain various types of blogs.
  • A word ‘blog’ is formed from “Web Log”. Similar to e-mail accounts, user can create “Blog” at specific location on internet. It is the user’s own space where user can keep(post) certain articles, ideas, news, facts, opinions
  • Blogs are created and based on various types of subjects like technology and recent developments, political matters, sports, entertainment, education ect.
  • Personal blog is often used. The owner of the blog is able to control the contents posted on the blog.
  • Business purpose of blog is formed internally within specific group for enhancing internal communication.

2. Explain any two ways blogs can be used in education system
  • In  educational institutions , use of blogs is very popular.
  • Blogs are providing to be quite important tools for sharing useful educational information and tips among teaching faculties. Teachers use it to provide information to students as required by them. Teachers can create, edit and monitor blogs ensuring the data uploaded is appropriate.  
  • Blogs can boost the development of a learning community. Bloggers can share information and opinions on specific topics and support each other with comments and answer to questions.   
  • It sets as a support system for teachers as well as students where they can look for certain ides, techniques and tools. This helps in upgrading overall knowledge base.
  • State any two good practices to be followed while blogging.
  • Visit the blogs which are successful by means by means of its intellectual topics and study the same.
  • Make purpose of blog very clear.
  • Ensure grammar and spelling accuracy and decent language. Keep the contents short but sweet; having compete and with authentic information.
  • Post views/ comments regularly.
  • Subscribe own blog. This will help to understand what readers are seeing.
  • Keep it simple, focused and relevant.
  • Choose a domain name i.e. short, easy to understand what to spell and memorable.
  • Put a contact link, button or page on your own blog. Make it clearly visible.
  • Look at the blog from a reader’s point of view. Think on how it will always improve overall blog contents.

4. State any two practices not to be followed while blogging

  • Visit the blogs which are successful by means by means of its intellectual topics and study the same.
  • Make purpose of blog very clear.
  • Ensure grammar and spelling accuracy and decent language. Keep the contents short but sweet; having compete and with authentic information.
  • Post views/ comments regularly.
  • Subscribe own blog. This will help to understand what readers are seeing.
  • Keep it simple, focused and relevant.
  • Choose a domain name i.e. short, easy to understand what to spell and memorable.
  • Put a contact link, button or page on your own blog. Make it clearly visible.
  • Look at the blog from a reader’s point of view. Think on how it will always improve overall blog contents.

4. State any two practices not to be followed while blogging
  • Don’t blog about non productive and less useful topics.
  • Don’t have a blog with multiple topics at a time where there is no real focus.
  • Don’t put a number of advertisements on blog.
  • Don’t forget to share and social media buttons.
  • Don’t have music or video auto play on blog.
  • Don’t  repeat the same, old and tiresome information found all over the web.
  • Don’t put an abrasive and offensive matter that nobody will read will read and respond to blogger.
  • Don’t prefer copying expert as it is form someone else’s site on blog.
  • Don’t post just for posting sake. Readers may not appreciate a scattered blog with off message content and may stop visiting.
  • Don’t spread false, unauthorised information or rumors.

5. State any two disadvantages of blogs.
  • Most of the people are unable to write down their ideas in a compelling and clear manner.
  • everything else on the web, blogs are easy to start and hard to maintain.
  • Many blogs are not updated.

6. Define forum and its structure
  • Forums is the space on internet used to communication, interact and collaborate with others
  • Information posted on a particular topic can be saved and other people can see at any time, creating a discussion environment. Everything that gets posted can be read any time.
  • A forum is structured combination of sub forums, topics and post which fall under specific categories.
  • A forum consists of a tree like directory structure.
  • It starts with “Categories.” With multiple categories, a forum can be divided in different discussions. These forums can further have sub – forums.
  • Topics are typically known as threads. Users, can visit and start their discussion or post the data on selected topic.
  • Forums are established into various topics; which starts with one topic i.e. main topic

7. Explain any two user groups registered members of a forum stating their privileges.

User Group :
  • Members of the forum add up their views about the topic, thus by expanding the discussions. The users, who are not registered members of forum, are commonly known as guest or visitor.
  • Visitors can usually view the contents of the forum.
  • They are granted limited access to the function that do not cause database alterations or breach privacy

  •  The topic and discussion is monitored by a moderator or group of moderators.
  • They are also user or employees of the forum.
  • They can access post and threads of all members registered in the forum.
  • Moderators are responsible to keep the forum clean by means of arresting spams.

  •  Administrator who also act as as moderator, manage the technical details required for running the site.
  •  Administrators  manage the rules, create sections and sub section as required and also perform any database operations.
  • They can change or update the appearance of a forum.  

8. Explain threads and posts of a forum.

  • Thread is defined by subject/ title that summerizes the particular discussion.
  • Popularity of thread is typically considered on forums in reply counts.

  • A  post is nothing but the message submitted by forum member ie. User.
  • It also contains basic details of user, date and time the message is submitted.
  • Members can typically edit or delete their own posts.

9. What is VOIP
  • It is a they type of communication that allows us to make phone calls over boradband internet connection.
  • In VoIP voice can be transferred with the help of Internet Protocol.
  • Voice, video and data can be transmitted over a single converged network.
  • VoIP converts the voice signal from telephone into a digital signal that can travel over the Internet. In regular telephone number the signal is converted back at the other end.
  • Interconnected VoIP services allow user to make and receive calls to and from traditional landline telephone numbers.
  • VoIP call can be made from traditional telephone, computer or VoIP phone.
  • Wireless instruments allow user allow to connect to the Internet and may enable to use VoIP service wireless in public locations.

10. Explain any two types of VOIP services

  • Computer to Computer: User can simply talk to each other through a piece of software installed on their computers using a headset.
  • Phone to Computer:  User can use a VoIP program installed on their computer to call phones.
  • VoIP Phones:  VoIp phones work in the same method like regular phone. But dialing is happening through Internet.
  • VoIP Adapters: VoIP adapters can connect existing telephone to VoIP system. This means users can use their current phone to use VoIP.

11. State any two usage /applications of VOIP.

  • Local Exchange Carriers, cellular providers and cable television companies offer local service to their telephone customers.
  • Cable television companies provide feature reach telephone service.
  • VoIP is used in many enterprises and business organizations due to its low cost.
  • Many customers also prefer VoIP for their personal use.

12. Explain e-commerce. Give any two examples of e-commerce

  • it is about sharing business information, maintaining business relationship and carrying out business transactions using computer systems which are connected to telecommunication network. It is an emerging concept that describes the process of buying, selling or exchanging of product, services and information over electronic system such as computer network or internet.
  • Examples:
  • Auction sites where advertisements about any products to be auctioned are put in E-commerce.
  • Retails stores.
  • Making banking transactions through internet (e-banking).
  • E-filing of tax returns.
  • Ticket bookings (airlines, trains, bus, cinema, etc.)

13. Explain trade cycle of commerce

  • E-commerce is the establishment of multiple functions that include selling products or information. Over the Internet and the processes that are established to support a company. As with physical commerce, the trade cycle is more or less categorized into four areas.
  • Identification of a supplier by a consumer and the agreement of terms for apply.
  • Selecting the goods and taking delivery.
  • Payment and invoicing are usually executed along with the selection of goods in e-commerce.
  • After-sales services including maintenance, in which complaints are addressed, support given, and any further involvement of the supplier with the product as specified in the terms of supply is engaged.

14. Explain e-market

  • E-Market (Electronic Market) is inter-organizational information system that provides facility for both buyers and sellers to exchange information about product offerings and price, payments and services using Internet, networks and digital technologies.
  •  Any transfer of goods or services from seller to buyer that involves one or more electronic methods or media can be considered electronic marketing. E-market is the virtual representation of physical market.
  •  By utilizing ICT, necessary e-marketing related information can be exchanged i.e. very beneficial for the traders who are geographically dispersed.

15. Define and explain ebanking

  • Internet banking (or E-banking) means any user with a personal computer and a browser can get connected to his bank’s website to perform any of the virtual banking functions.
  • Here, banks have their own centralized database that is web-enabled.
  • The services the bank has allowed to perform on the internet can be selected and further transaction is dictated by the nature of service. 

16. State any four e-banking services

  • Most commonly used service is ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) from where customer can get required cash.  ATM system is based on intranet Internet Machine.
  • One can invest amount in stocks market using the websites. 
  • By sitting at home you can transfer money in fixed deposits or in any other person’s bank account. You can see your bank balance bank transactions on website and no need to go in bank physically.

17. Explain e-governance

  • The system by which citizens can access Government information while visiting the required sites on internet is e-Governance. It refers to the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) by Government agency for various reasons as under:
  • Exchange of information with citizens / business or other Government departments / functions.
  •  Fast and efficient delivery of public services.
  •  Improve internal efficiency.
  •  Reduce cost and increase revenue.
  •  Restructuring and administrative process.
  •  Usage of Internet in majority of Government organizations / functions can ensure efficient and transparent functioning.

18. State the four basic models of e-governance

  • Generally four basic models of Governance are available:
  •  Government to Citizen (Customer).
  • Government to Business.
  • Government to Employees.
  • Government to Government.

19. Explain any two advantages of e-governance.

  • E-Governance is very convenient, efficient and user-friendly system by means of:
  •  Speed: Technology makes communication faster. Internet, Phones, Cell Phones have reduced the time taken in normal communication.
  •  Cost saving:  Reduction in stationery cost. Also cost of maintaining old paper documents can be reduced.  Threat of damaging such documents is also overcome.  Internet and Phones make communication cheaper.
  •  Transparency: Use of ICT makes governing process transparent.  All the information of the Government would be made available for citizens on the internet.  ICT helps to make the information available online eliminating all the possibilities of concealing of information.
  •  Accountability:  Once the governing process is made transparent, Government operations are automatically made accountable, i.e. prime expectation of citizens form Governance.

20. Write a note on Google Maps.

  • Google map is a web mapping service application and technology provided by Google Local
  • Google map provides many map based services, including google maps website, google ride finder, google transit and maps embedded on third party websites.
  • It offers road maps, a route planner for travelling by foot, car, bike or public transport and urban business locater for numerous countries around the world.

21. Write a short note on wikimapia

  • Wikimapia websites provides Google Maps interactive web map that consists of user generated information layer on top of Google maps satellite imagery and other resources.
  • It allows selecting any marked object and viewing its description. Apart from this and the search tool, user can filter and highlight objects by categories.
  • Visitors can add location by drawing its outline on top of satellite photo, write a description for it, choose its category and upload referring pictures.  To edit existing tag user needs to register on website.
  • Users can add Linear features like roads, railroads and rivers, can be drawn and provided with description and photos on website in e-map.
  •  Wikimapia map can also be embedded on other websites.  Wikimapia is a multi-lingual website and supports 101 languages.
  • The interface is also being translated by users.  When a visitor comes to Wikimapia, system automatically sets default language interface and offers list of languages in drop-down menu.
  • A watchlist system is one of the feature that helps editing and exploring the information on Wikimapia.  Any user can choose and save a certain area to monitor changes of the map.

22. How will you find specific routes using Google Earth or Google Maps?

  • To find specific routes using google earth or google maps
  • Go to google map and click on the get direction button on the left pane.
  • In the two boxes ‘A’ and ‘B’ enter the starting location in box ‘a’ and the destination in box ‘b’
  • Click on the get direction button below. The right window will show the road map with the road route highlighted.
  • The left pane gives some landmarks on the route for driving direction. Hovering the mouse over each landmark.

23. Write a short note on maps and navigation

  • One can navigate (move your view) in two dimensions in any Google map. To pan (move the map) do one of the following:
  •  Click and drag the map.
  • Press the up arrow on keyboard to move north.
  • Press the down arrow on keyboard to move south.
  • Press the right arrow on keyboard to move east.
  • Press the left arrow on keyboard to move west.

Q6. Answer the following : (4marks)

1. State any four advantages of blogs.

  • Quick  posting and viewing of information is possible.
  • As blog is unlike e-mail communication, no threat of spams.
  • No limit to create number of blogs. User can create any number of blogs.
  • Typically recent development / new information is posted on blogs. Hence blogs are in a way help to search engines to find new contents.
  • Blogging service and software are economical. Users can visit blogs with either free of cost or with very minimum charges.

2. Explain any four advantages of using blogs in classroom

  • Blogging gives opportunity to students to form genuine and potentially worldwide audience, enabling each of them to take on a leadership role at different times though the course of their learning.
  • Blogging helps students see their work on different subjects as interconnected and helps them organize their own learning. Students can carry out a data collection activity about a particular topic creating their own interpretation about the subject.
  • Blogging helps improving and enhancing a variety of skills on various subjects.

3. Write down the steps to create a blog.

Steps to create a blog:

  • Open the website http:\\ in your internet browser.
  • Click the “CREATE A BLOG” button.
  • On the following page you’ll be prompted to create a google account.
  • Once you are done with account, click the “Create a blog” link.
  • Enter a title for you blog (any title you like).
  • Enter Address (URL) of your blog – you can use the title of your blog.
  • And then type the word in the verification section and click “CONTINUE”
  • On the next step choose template. In eight steps students can create blog site successfully. Then the blog is ready to write and publish blog article.

4. Explain any four common features of forum

  • Password: Also known as tipcode or capcode.
  • Personal Message : A message sent in private from one member to another is known as Personal or Private message. Private messages are primarily used for personal conversation.
  • Attachment: It is any file, which can be attached in forum.
  • Emotion symbol : The symbol which can be typed by which emotions can be expressed.
  • Polls: For getting views of visitors on a topic, certain questions are put up called polls.  Responses received on the poll can be analyzed for forming opnion.
  • Ignore List: It allows members to hide post of other members that they don’t want to view.
  • Special Image: The special image is called ‘Avatar’ to have special identity. Signatures are also similar to special image.
  • Subscription :  It is form of automated notification while logging in, user has an option to subscribe.

5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of forum

Advantages of forum

  • Intellectually strong topics can help generate knowledge base.
  • With useful information members can be a part of the forum as a repeat visitor and make the group strong.
  •  Because of authentic reply or opinion one can get credibility with website visitors and our brand value increases.
  • It allows to build a great relationship with visitor.

Disadvantages of forum

  • When creating a new forum, it can be difficult to establish a good discussion board.
  • An empty forum is discouraging.

6. How is forum different from blogs?


  • A blog belongs to an individual personality.
  • Blogs are devoted to a specific topic      
  • Blog is a collection of one persons writings on something.
  • Blogs can not offer to go with membership.       


  • A forum belongs to someone else eg company.
  • It is a collection of post offered by the general public.
  • A forum is mere collection of public’s shorter comments on a topic.
  • Forums offer separate blogs to go with membership. 

7. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of VoIP.


  • Computer and VoIP can be used simultaneously. VoIP services  can be also used while travelling and can be used via internet connection.
  • VoIP is becoming preferred communication option for consumers due to lower fees for basic broadband service and the brisk adoption of even faster internet offerings.
  • VoIP has established itself with the voice and data industries by means of integrating robust, scalable and reliable products within existing networks.
  • VoIP brings together the best of the converged communications services. 


  • Due to probability of data hacking, there is arising problem for the confidentiality of communication.
  • Chances of receiving unwanted voicemails and emails cannot be avoided.
  • Sometimes VoIP data travels in unencrypted form over the internet. Hence confidentiality in data transfer is one of the important issues.

8. State the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce.


  • Lower cost: The cost of the product is less as compared to traditional commerce.
  • Reduction in cost: reduction in basic facilities like storage space, adverting, etc.
  • Better customer service: E-commerce means better and quicker customer service. Online customer service makes customers happier. This saves time and money.
  • Comparison shopping: E-commerce helps consumers to compare the different products.
  • Information Sharing and Control: Electronic marketplaces improve information sharing between merchants and customers and promote quick, just-in-time deliveries. Customer and merchants save money; are online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, experience no traffic jams, no crowds, customers do not have to carry heavy shopping bags.
  • No requirement of middle man. The worldwide sellers and buyers share and trade without intermediaries.


  • Security: Security continues to be a problem for online businesses.  Customers have to feel confident about the integrity of the payment process before they commit to the      purchase.
  • System and Data Integrity: Viruses cause unnecessary delays, file backups, storage problems, and other similar difficulties.  The danger of hackers accessing files and corrupting accounts adds more stress to an already complex operation?
  •  Consumer Search is not Efficient or Cost-effective:  The world wide sellers and  buyers share and trade without intermediaries

9. State the advantages and disadvantages of e-market.

Advantages :
  • Global Reach: It can keep customers in loop.  A website allows you to find new markets and trade globally.
  •  Expands your visibility with your target audience and beyond.
  •  Turns your Web site into an effective marketing tool and easy to be located.
  •  A systematically planned and effectively targeted e-marketing campaign can reach the right customers at a much lower cost than traditional marketing methods.
  •  It helps reduce duration of end to end transaction.
  •  Quick updates or changes in contents related to products OR services are possible.

  • Business related to e-marketing undergoes changes drastically within short span of time as compared to traditional marketing.
  • There is intense competition and one has to keep himself updated for better sustain ability. Establishment in the business may take quite long time.
  •  There is also dependability on technology. Too many skills to learn which may take long time.
  •  Chance of threat of scams and virus attacks on marketing portal through internet.
  •  E-marketing efforts can become very complex and may require a high level of focus, concentration and analysis to reach the best decisions.

10. Define and explain edi. State any two benefits of EDI

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the electronic transfer of a standarized business transaction between a sender and receiver computer, over some kind of private network or Value Added Network (VAN). EDI is based on a set of standardized messages for the transfer of structured and formatted data between computer applications.

  • Shorten order processing and delivery time.
  • Considerable cost saving.
  • No paper work required.
  • Improved cash flow.
  • Reduced postage and paper handling costs.
  • Eliminates data entry errors. Accuracy of data ensures efficient supply chain.
  • Fast response and real-time claim processing.
  • Increased business efficiency.

11.       State the advantages and disadvantages of e-governance.


  • E-Governance is very convenient, efficient and user-friendly system by means of:
  •  Speed: Technology makes communication faster. Internet, Phones, Cell Phones have reduced the time taken in normal communication.
  •  Cost saving:  Reduction in stationery cost. Also cost of maintaining old paper documents can be reduced.  Threat of damaging such documents is also overcome.  Internet and Phones make communication cheaper.
  •  Transparency: Use of ICT makes governing process transparent.  All the information of the Government would be made available for citizens on the internet.  ICT helps to make the information available online eliminating all the possibilities of concealing of information.
  •  Accountability:  Once the governing process is made transparent, Government operations are automatically made accountable, i.e. prime expectation of citizens form Governance.


  • Threat of virus attacks / hijacking the web sites,
  •  Due to country wide vast paper data, collecting each and every document and making entries online is extremely bulky task.  Retention and quick retrieval of transactions made in past is difficult.
  •  In country like India, establishing e-Governance at all levels is the biggest challenge as it will require costly infrastructure and old data entry efforts.
  •  Probability of technological internet problems like disconnection of site, slow internet speed.
  •  Inadequate computer literacy of common person.
  •  The system loses the person to person interaction which is valued by a lot of people.

12. Explain emaps in brief

  • E-map means Electronic map or digital map. E-maps are images along with navigation facility. 
  • The information of a region or a landmark is displayed using simple graphics, symbols and lines.
  • Users can move or browse the map to locate particular region.
  • In case of regular maps landmark is generally a building while in e-maps it can be a location, building or a dessert vendor of may be soothing else having user’s interest. Google Earth is one of the best examples for Digital Mapping.
  • Web based e-map system allows users to search landmarks using any keyword or Store name or a name of a supermarket or any address e.g. a user can search the route from his home to a supermarket or a mall on a particular  road.
  • Search mechanism to extract information based on criteria of user from huge information database helps users to get detailed e-map.

13.       What is google earth.

  • Google Earth is a useful application for viewing almost any location in the world from a bird’s-eye view.   
  • It is a stand-alone program which offers more globe-viewing features, including showing polar areas.  
  • The free version of Google Earth software can be downloaded at: http://  By using Google Earth, we can find a specific place, location (such as a city, landmark, or address).

14.       Explain any four map layers.

  • Traffic:  Get up-to-date traffic conditions to find the best route to your destination.
  • Photos:  View photos taken from locations all around the world.
  • Labels: Show street, city, and boundary names within your map.
  • Webcams: View like imagery from webcams situated worldwide.
  • Videos:  Watch YouTube videos recorded from locations on the map.  

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